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Formentera Vacaciones",'ferryOK':"Thank you! Your data has been successfully submitted",'ferryKO':"We apologize for the inconvenience, but we were unable to submit your data correctly. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact our customer service at 971 321 816 or email We are here to help you.",'ferry-error-intro':"Please correct the following errors before submitting the form:",'ferry-error-name':"Please complete the name field",'ferry-error-address':"Please complete the address field",'ferry-error-city':"Please complete the city field",'ferry-error-poblation':"Please complete the population field",'ferry-error-postal-code':"Please complete the postal code field",'ferry-error-country':"Please complete the country field",'ferry-error-email':"Please complete the email field",'ferry-error-phone':"Please complete the phone field",'ferry-error-dni':"Please complete the ID field",'ferry-error-arrival':"Please complete the arrival date field",'ferry-error-return':"Please select a valid return date",'ferry-error-adults':"Please complete the Number of Adults field",'ferry-error-childs':"Please configure the number of children field with a valid value",'ferry-error-old':"Please configure the number of seniors field with a valid value"}; = {'ct-name':'Enter your name','ct-email':'Enter your e-mail','ct-comments':'Your message...','ct-captcha':'Captcha'}; globals.arrival = '21/01/2025'; globals.departure = '22/01/2025'; var lat = 38.721704, lng = 1.456473, zoom= 12; var errorchecked = 'You must accept that you confirm that you have read and accept the data protection policy'; var errorcontact = '[error:contact-checkbox, ]'; var errorcaptcha = 'Incorrect captcha code'; var refreshText = '[contact:refresh, ]'; var popup_offer = "false"; var currentSlideThumb = "";